So, a few years back, I was watching 60 Minutes (first instance upon which you might assume I am several decades older than I am), and they were doing a story on Bill Gates and Warren Buffet taking up the cause for teaching Bridge to school children. My grandparents had taught me and my brother to play when we were kids, so I thought maybe I would cajole Paul into learning and we could have a new hobby. (Second instance upon which you might assume I am several decades older than I am.)
Anyway, we took a class from local bridge legend Norma Sands (third instance) with our friends the Rosenbergs and it was off to the races, so to speak.
Unfortunately, Bridge with Bridget and Michael (despite the close association of her name to the game) didn't work out so well. Mike wanted to try to bluff during the bidding, which really defeats the purpose, and he was dismayed that the "language of bridge" (fourth) meant that not only his partner, but also his opponents would be clued into his hand.
So, after a few rather pathetic attempts to start my new bridge playing life off, our foursome fell apart and we dropped it. (For those of you who have been following my blog, you'll know this is not a real departure from my normal MO, so try as I might to blame Mike, I guess I'm the common denomiator in all those failures to follow through).
That said, I recently had a renewed interested in all things 1950, and our neighbors Bryan and Julie are learning with us. They're coming over tonight for our 3rd game. We've mastered the art of the first bid and are now all struggling with the "my partner seems to indicate that they can't help me with my bid so where do I go from here."
The problem for me and Paul is that Bryan is a professional poker player (yes...that's his job), so his natural propensity for all things cardlike is going to mean that we will be quickly outmatched. But, for now, we can still give them a bit of a game...so wish us luck!
haha. that streaker looks just like Blake (in the face). dont ya think?
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what Paul said!!