Friday, April 30, 2010

Well this is unfortunate because Paul's birthday is in March!

 Everyone knows that the forwarded horoscopes are totally prophetic, so I'm gearing myself up for some troubles in my marriage in the next year.  Although I (being born in May) have a "strong relationship that will last forever."  Paul, on the other hand (March b-day) "will discover that he will fall in love with someone totally unexpected."  Any chance that's me???

Chinese Feng Shui  Horoscope

This   is a Chinese Feng Shui horoscope.
Take a moment  to take this  test!
If you are honest this tells  the truth, it ' s pretty accurate.
Write your answers on  paper.
Find out your horoscope  at the  bottom.

1. Which is your favorite   color:
              Red,  Black, Blue, Green or  Yellow?
2.. Your first   initial?
3. Your month of  birth?
4.  Which color do you like   more,
              Black  or  White?
5. The name of a person that is the  same sex as  you?
6. Your favorite   number?
7. Do you like California   or Florida   more?
8. Do you like a lake or  the ocean  more?
9. Write down a wish (a  realistic   one)

When you are done, scroll   down.
Don ' t   cheat!



         1.   If you  chose:
               Red  - You are alert and your life is full of   love.
               Black  - You are conservative and  aggressive.
               Green   - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid  back.
               Blue  - You  are spontaneous and love  affection.
               Yellow  - You are a very  happy person and give good
                                advice  to those who are   down.

        2.  If your initials  are:
                A-K  You have a lot of  love and friendships in your  life.
                L-R  You try to live your  life to the max and your love  life is
                          soon  to  bloom.
                S-Z   You like to help others and your future looks very  

        3.  If you were born  in:
               Jan-Mar:  The year  will go very well for you and you will
                             discover  that you fall  in love with someone totally
               Apr-Jun:  You will  have a strong love relationship that will
                                last   forever.
              Jul-Sep:  You will have a great year and will  experience a
                             major  life-changing experience for the   good.
             Oct-Dec:  Your life will be great, you will find your soul  mate.

        4.  If you  chose:
                  Black:  Your life is  about to get better. You are more than
                                ready  for the   change.
                  White:  You have a friend who completely confides in  you
                              and  would do anything for you, but you  may
                               not  realize   it.

         5.  This person should be your best  friend.

         6.  This is how many close friends you will have  in your  life  time.

         7..  If you chose:
                        California  : You  like  adventure.
                         Florida  : You are a laid back  person.

          8.  If you  chose:
                         Lake  : You are loyal to  your friends and your lover..
                                   You  are very  reserved.
                       Ocean:   You are spontaneous and like to please

          9.  This  wish will come true if you send this to 1  person in one
               hour.   Send it to ten people and it will come true before   your
               next  birthday.


  1. I tried to edit this to get rid of that awkward "the" in front of "forwarded horoscopes" in the first line, but for some reason "the" is taunting me and I am unable to get the edit function to work...only on this post, of course!

  2. Yeah! Oh and I did find my soulmate. murphy and I are in L-O-V-E!

  3. hey, as long as his future is dictated by his birth month, and not the wish he wrote down!


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