Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dos Pulgares for Hot Chick-a-Latte (Update)

Just for the record, I'd like to update you all on the status of Hot Chick.  Things are rolling right along down there on Colfax.  I received a very nice comment from Troy, one of the owners, who offered me a free coffee the next time I make it by.  I've been out of town for the past week, but I'm going to get over there for a White Coffee soon...maybe tomorrow.  He also assured me that they're painting the rest of the roof once the weather gets better, but given the fact that it SNOWED this morning, I am thinking that might not be for a while.

Hot Chick - for your good sense of humor and lightening the mood throughout Denver, as well as your "darn good coffee" you have earned my Denver Dives highest rating...Dos Pulgares!

Hot-Chick-a-Latte, I think I love you!


  1. you are getting famous. Yeah!! it really could save me a ton of work on my way to world domination. I will happily just ride on your coat tails. then I could write a book called "world domination for dummies" As always, thanks for the motivation.

  2. Glad to help, though I think it's funny that I motivate're the one with all the blog-knowledge!!! But you will be my Gayle when I'm Oprah...I promise!


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