Friday, April 30, 2010

Real Conversations With My Imaginary Friend Shakira

Regarding Arizona's new Immigration Law:

Shakira: I heard about it on the news and I thought, 'Wow,' It is unjust and it's inhuman, and it violates the civil and human rights of the Latino community ... It goes against all human dignity, against the principles of most Americans I know.

Me: Totally!  It's like Nazi Germany.

Shakira: You're the smartest, most beautiful, most insightful, nicest person I've ever met.  I'd like to give you all the rights to my next 10 songs.

Me: Oh, you're so sweet!  I couldn't possibly accept more than 5.

Ok, so the last part didn't happen, but Shakira really did go to AZ to oppose the new law and she really did say that first stuff...but she only gave me 2 songs.


  1. i thought it was funny yesterday that she was somehow the authority on this. she is colombian and is famous for "hips dont lie" kinda a modern day charro. she cool tho.

  2. AZ is the anti-melanin state.


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